Can Diet Help Erectile Dysfunction?

The myth that erectile dysfunction (ED) is rare is one that should be dumped in the archives for good. Many men are uncomfortable with seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction for fear that they will be considered weird, or need mental help. It is also a very embarrassing and awkward thing to even talk about, so delays in treatment are frequent. In today's day and age however, you don't need to worry about the whole world finding out about one of your most embarrassing problems. Informing yourself on all aspects of this condition will get you many steps toward clearing it up for good. Here you will find out that ED is not as difficult to treat as you may think. It may simply involve a little tweak here or there to your diet, or medication to give your system a little reboot. The use of food as healing goes back centuries, and in fact was one of the first ways any medical condition was treated. Erectile dysfunction is extremely common, and can range from being mild to severe. Mild and moderate forms of ED can be treated with some lifestyle and diet changes, and even severe cases of ED can benefit from healing foods in conjunction with medical treatment. In many reported cases of ED, healing foods were enough, and the historic use of pomegranates, garlic, and pumpkins have been found to be very effective in treating the vascular system that creates this problem. The use of pumpkins has a long history of effecting the arousal center in men. Ancient goddesses would light pumpkin candles as a means of attracting members of the opposite sex. In a recent medical study, the pumpkin scent was compared beside 29 additional scents to discover which scent men found most arousing. The results were a staggering 97% of male participants found pumpkin to be the most arousing scent in the group. For pumpkin to work with ED, pumpkin does not even need to be eaten, the scent alone will be enough to make the desire center happy. Garlic as well has been used historically to treat a wide range of medical conditions, and works like pumpkin does on the desire center. India even uses garlic as an aphrodisiac and has for centuries. The scent of hydrogen sulfate found in garlic has a calming effect on the blood vessels surround both the desire center and the penis, and this is a very effective treatment for ED. Pomegranates are effective in treating ED due to their high quantities of antioxidants. In another medical study, male participants drank pomegranate juice over a six week period to determine its effect on ED. 87% of those that drank pomegranate juice reported a change in ED symptoms, over the 12% of grapefruit drinkers that made the same report. In fact, pomegranate is also widely known to work well in conjunction with many pharmaceutical treatments used for ED such as Viagra and generic Viagra. It is believed that the pomegranate inhibits the CYP3A enzyme that helps your body metabolize the medication, and this leads to a faster more lasting relief of ED symptoms. Even in this day and age ED is a touchy subject, but you can take comfort in the fact that just a few diet tweaks in conjunction with Viagra will be all you need to find relief and a cure fast. Treatment does not have to be expensive, you can order cheap Viagra online in a number of online pharmacies and make the dietary changes you need while waiting for it to arrive. Your partner may not be too thrilled with your sudden interest in garlic, but once she understands, she will gladly make you your favorite garlic dish every night. Loosen yourselves up with some pomegranate martinis, and you will both be in for the night you deserve.


  1. Flat Abs said...:

    May be that would be correct such that diet has lot of effect on our body. Hence when we intake proper diet then we can easily maintain our health.

  1. Definitely diet can help a lot to decrease excess weight. And excess weight is found to be one of the main reasons for erectile dysfunction in men.

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