Tea Destroy gallstone and Prevent Cancer

Gallstone, more women going to the patient and is usually related to obesity, occurs on the send duktus bile from the liver to the large intestine. If the stone is preventing the entrance of the gall bladder, it can cause malaise and pain, its location at the bottom of the rib from the right side of the abdomen. For this, the usual action is the gall bladder or called Kolesistektomi , although existence is needed. However, serious complications from the gallstone is often not detected.

Bile channel rare cancer, but if there is a risk is very fatal, Dr. Ann W. Hsing, from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, and his team write in the International Journal of Cancer.

Gallstone was of factors can cause the occurrence of cancer in the bile channels that often are not clear definitions. Some of the research concluded that consume tea, especially green tea (green tea) can protect various types of cancer.

In the newest research, experts studying the influence of tea on the risk of the occurrence of cancer and bile channel gallstone. In their research involving 627 patients suffering from cancer bile channel, 1037 with gallstone and 959 as a control.

Various data on the demographic, health factors and food habits and learned to drink tea. Tea drinking habits to those that are considered routine consume tea at least one cup a day for 6 months. Control group of 959, 394 (41%) is a tea drink.

Results that they find, is the women who regularly consume 1 cup of tea a day for 6 weeks, decrease the risk of natural stone as much as 27% bile, gall bladder cancer as much as 44% of cancer and bile channels of 35%. Effect on the men's tea also does not seem much different.

Of course there are the chemicals in the tea that has a property that prevents the growth of abnormal cells and have the ability of anti inflames can press so that the risk of a disease traktus biliaris, Hsing's team explains.

Ref : www.dechacare.com


  1. genial said...:

    met mlm mngguan kang :)

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