Natural and Organic Food Benefits

Natural and organic food benefits are quite common than what we may think. Not all of the organic food benefits are directly focused on the consumers, in fact, some of the benefits are for the benefit of the world. Natural and organic foods are those that do not use or use fewer chemicals and other artificial means to get more foods and bigger yields.

Safer Food

Some of the natural and organic food benefits include the fact that consumers are not exposed to harmful chemicals which most ordinary manufacturers and producers use on their foods. The guarantee of organic foods is that they adhere to the strict guidelines that insist they not use any form of chemicals in the nurturing, growing and processing stages of the food production. The benefits of organic farming also include the fact that workers and farmers are not exposed to harmful pesticides and fertilizers while they care for the crops that they will soon harvest for the consumers.

The safety of the farmers and their workers are important because these people are the ones who are the backbone of the agricultural States. They bring food to the plates of a lot of people and they strive to make their food.

Safer Environment

Organic food benefits are not only for the people but also for the local flora and fauna in the area of the farm. The organic food benefits that the local wildlife get include cleaner water supply and cleaner soil in which they usually get their food sources. Not using chemical based pesticides and fertilizers ensure that the soil is kept pristine and free from residue that can affect the plants for years to come. People may think that one time use of harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers will disappears after the harvest but in reality, these stay in the soil and contribute to the next crop, which is why it is important to maintain the integrity of the soil that organic farmers use.

Other natural and organic food benefits may include having the fruits, vegetables and other forms of food taste better and at the same time have less risks of causing you allergies and other conditions which nay arise when eating genetically modified foods or inorganic foods. Knowing what the organic food benefits that await us when we switch to organic should inspire us to do so. It not only helps consumers and farmers but also our world.



  1. Erwin Y said...:

    wah bingung juga bahasa londo nie..habis ga ngerti :D

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